Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Christensen Book Club Finalized List

Each summer, my brothers and I choose a handful of books to read. We don't ever really discuss the book like a traditional book club would; we just read the books. All of these books are pretty intense, so who knows if we will actually read them all. I will most definitely be reading other books that are easier to get through, but I like to check off a few of the books found in 1001 Books to Read Before You Die every year, and this is a way to do that.

This year, we originally started out with three books: one from Britian, one from the US, and one from Russia. However, one of my brothers suggested that we add a French and Chinese novel to complete the gimmick of a trip through the security council. Here's the book club list for 2011:

The Man in the Iron Mask

The Brothers Karamozov

Far from the Madding Crowd

This Side of Paradise

In the Pond

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