Sunday, January 16, 2011

Golden Globes Segment 12

8:32pm - Where is Leo? Why isn't he introducing Inception? Although I have to say that this guy has come a long way since 10 Things I Hate About You.

8:33pm - Natalie Portman. I'm happy for her. Could they have put her in a worse spot though? Poor her having to squeeze through all those seats with her baby bump. I'm not a fan of the dress. Lol. She's insane. Making jokes about her boyfriend (fiance?).

8:37pm - Ricky's back. I really can't tell if Hollywood likes him or loathes him. Maybe they like him until he crosses them.

8:39pm - The Kids Are All Right. It's got a great cast. Mark Ruffalo. He's got great hair. And I will never forget his great performance in Zodiac.

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